Subtle energy is everywhere and affects us whether we want it or not. Stress from the brain as electrical vibration is discharged into the body by chemical reaction through the bloodstream and manifests as pain or emotional imbalance. The electrical energy produced by the heart travels to all body cells and can be detected out of the skin as an electromagnetic field in 360°. Energy-based therapies enhance your health and wellness swiftly
The Fluid Body technique stimulates the meridian system as known in Traditional Chinese Medicine by giving particular attention to gentle stretching exercises and energy re-balancing massages.
According to ancient Chinese philosophy everything is formed by Qi (Chi), since 1960, it has been clear that what we call now bio-electricity refers to the same Qi, or energy as formulated by the ancient China, Prana in India and Ki in Japan. Our body is a field of bio-electric & magnetic energy which respond to the quality of the air we breath, the food we eat and the lifestyle we lead. This energy is also affected by our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions as well as the energy surrounding us, such as in nature and the unnatural energy such as radiations like telephone cells and computers.
This Vibrational energy field or bio-electricity pulsations spread throughout our entire body, through the matrix of the continuous connective tissue, this web of skin network under the skin covering the whole body. A physical injury, stress, chock or worrying thoughts and negative beliefs journey through the interconnect, coordinated systems of our being and create tensions (collagen formation) in the myofascia, muscular and visceral parts of our body, but creates fluidity, flexibility and health when positive. Meaning that any body & mind actions, thoughts and beliefs are immediately perceived in our physiology and create either a positive response keeping our growing cells healthy, or a negative response leading to muscular tensions and dying cells. responsible for the effects of ageing, chronics pains, immune system deficiency and leading over time to degenerative illnesses like cancer.
This Vibrational energy field or bio-electricity pulsations spread throughout our entire body, through the matrix of the continuous connective tissue, this web of skin network under the skin covering the whole body. A physical injury, stress, chock or worrying thoughts and negative beliefs journey through the interconnect, coordinated systems of our being and create tensions (collagen formation) in the myofascia, muscular and visceral parts of our body, but creates fluidity, flexibility and health when positive. Meaning that any body & mind actions, thoughts and beliefs are immediately perceived in our physiology and create either a positive response keeping our growing cells healthy, or a negative response leading to muscular tensions and dying cells. responsible for the effects of ageing, chronics pains, immune system deficiency and leading over time to degenerative illnesses like cancer.
Meridian stretching and Qi massages are excellent ways to heal the unbalances of the energetic and physical body. This whole body-mind therapy can support anyone in their transformation toward a healthier and happier life.

Invisible, subtle energy occurs around us all the time, and is measurable by science. Energy is everywhere, in the river, in the wind, the sun, the food, our body, our thoughts and more.
Mind and body are not separate entities. They vibrate at different frequencies and can now be measured effectively. The body's energetic vibrations extend from the brain to the body and from the heart to the environment. It is why when we feel sad or angry, this energy is out of ourselves into our EMF (electromagnetic field) and attracts similar energy toward us.
"The heart electric field is 100x stronger than the brain and it´s magnetic field is 5000 x stronger than the brain´s magnetic field" (Rollin Mc Craty, Director of Research institute of Heartmath).
When working on your EMF and acting on the energy within your cells, we can shift your mental, emotional and physical well-being.
Mind and body are not separate entities. They vibrate at different frequencies and can now be measured effectively. The body's energetic vibrations extend from the brain to the body and from the heart to the environment. It is why when we feel sad or angry, this energy is out of ourselves into our EMF (electromagnetic field) and attracts similar energy toward us.
"The heart electric field is 100x stronger than the brain and it´s magnetic field is 5000 x stronger than the brain´s magnetic field" (Rollin Mc Craty, Director of Research institute of Heartmath).
When working on your EMF and acting on the energy within your cells, we can shift your mental, emotional and physical well-being.
I offer Reiki sessions which I also call Energy work. To do this, I connect with your energy field, channeling the energy of the universe around us.
I have to maintain and nurture a pure heart, in the form of pure consciousness within, meaning feeling calm, aligned with my mind, body and spirit releasing any negative emotions. I deliberately forget about everything else going on in my life to only connect with the energy of love, healing and compassion.
I have to maintain and nurture a pure heart, in the form of pure consciousness within, meaning feeling calm, aligned with my mind, body and spirit releasing any negative emotions. I deliberately forget about everything else going on in my life to only connect with the energy of love, healing and compassion.

To transmit energy, I intentionally concentrate on the centre of my palms, which are connected to the source of all energy; the electromagnetic field of nature. It is a specific meditation breathing practice that unifies my mind, spirit, and body to radiate a warm sense of tranquility throughout your mind and body. Check Holistic Treatment & Massages Page.